Pixelated Perspectives: Pablo Punkasso

We recently had the opportunity to chat with Pablo Punkasso, a collector-turned-artist who is making a name for himself in the world of Web3. Punkasso is passionate about the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the art world, and he sees it as a way to empower artists and collectors alike. With a decade of experience in the crypto space and a passion for collecting and curating, Punkasso shared their insights on the intersection of art and technology.

Q: You have mysterious (anon) origins, a self-described Cryptopunk OG, with an eye for collecting and curating. - How did you end up in the world of digital art? Were you more drawn into this world by the art or the technology?

Punkasso: I’ve actually been in the crypto space 10 years now. The technology and its applications to finance is what originally drew me in. I became quickly fascinated with the concept of smart contracts at the launch of Ethereum. I knew eventually it would be applied to art and collectibles. Finance is a complex concept for many but collectibles and art can be enjoyed by anyone. I actually originally thought in-game assets in video games would lead to the initial explosion of NFTs but it was much simpler in reality, digital art did it.

Punks came out around the time of crypto kitties but the simplicity and genius of the 10k launch with different traits drew me in with Punks. I never really imagined they would explode in value like they have but I had to collect them when I saw them.

Q: Super fascinating! 10 Years! You have a lot of conviction in the tech so i'm not surprised. Between the video game mental models and early exposure to crypto, i'm going to guess you've probably always had an inclination for (emergent) technologies in some form. Has that influenced your curatorial eye? for example with those early days and og punks - were you drawn more to the mechanics? the potential? the retro aesthetics?

Punkasso: So for sure first with Punks I was drawn to how advanced it was for the time. 2017 Ethereum was a totally different ballgame. Wallet tech was rough, UX on all dapps was atrocious, etc.

Punks came out with this beautiful app for the time. There was a huge canvas you could scroll on the claim your punks for free on launch day. It really drew you in because there just wasn’t much like it yet. Keep in mind this was before erc721 standard so there weren’t even good marketplaces for NFTs, actually if any at all. Larva labs built their own and that was unique too.

The art definitely drew me in as well but funny enough it wasnt until after the fact when us collectors gathered in their discord that we started identifying and breaking down traits and their rarity. No one really knew initially

As for my personal collecting now I definitely first and foremost just collect things I genuinely connect with and like. However, I do look for unique things as well that I think could be emergent trends. Id say the biggest for me right now in that category is on-chain art. I’m not sure many people realize that 99% of their NFT art could just disappear tomorrow if artists decide to rug. With on-chain art, it’s there forever. I’m bullish on ripcache and zeroxart in this category for sure.

Q: incredible -- How about curation? What informs your curatorial eye? Is it mostly instinctual?

Punkasso: mostly instinctual yes but at the same time, for something like punkasso world, we do consider many factors such as: is an artist settled into their style, are they not over-minting/have too much for sale, does it add good variety to our world, are they easy to get along with, etc.

Most importantly I have to vibe with the work. Almost everyone invited so far to punkasso world, I've previously collected in my own collection.

Q: What advice do you have for up and comers in the space? collectors and artists

Punkasso: Collect what you genuinely like. It’s easy with most NFT chat happening on social media to follow the crowds. But some of my best investments have been looking where others aren’t

Same goes for artists too. Create what you like, not what’s popular. If you settle into a style or theme that’s unique, collectors will come

Punkasso's instinctual approach to curation and emphasis on genuinely connecting with the work provides inspiration for both up-and-coming artists and collectors. As the world of art continues to evolve, Punkasso's unique perspective sheds light on the intersection of art and technology and the potential for emergent trends in the digital art scene.

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